The 2023 Call for Abstracts is now closed. We thank to all those who submitted their research. The adjudication process is underway and all authors will be contacted in June regarding abstract acceptances.

CSF Abstract Winners
Top Paper Winner
ACS- 08 Delayed vs. Early Laparoscopic Appendectomy (DELAY) for Adult Patients with Acute Appendicitis: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Dr. Zuhaib M. Mir
Papers per Sub-Specialty
CAGS-81: Assessment of Environmental and Economic Sustainability of Peri-operative Patient Warming Strategies. Dr. Karina Spoyalo
CATS-15 (Ginsberg Award): Stage II/III Esophageal Cancer Patients with Complete Clinical Response post Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy - A Markov Decision Analysis. Dr. Tiago Ribeiro
CSCRS-53 (Clinical Award): Modulation of the Gut Microbiota with Fermentable Fibers and 5-Aminosalicylate to Prevent Peri-anastomotic and Metastatic Recurrence of Colorectal Cancer. Dr. Roy Hajjar
CSCRS-48 (basic Science Award): A Mucosa-Adherent Bacterium Impairs Colorectal Anastomotic Healing by Upregulating Interleukin-17: The Role of Low-Grade Inflammation as a Driver of Anastomotic Leak. Dr. Roy Hajjar
CHPBA-22: Armed Oncolytic Virus VSV-LIGHT/TNFSF14 Promotes Survival and Results in Complete Pathological and Radiological Response in an Immunocompetent Model of Advanced Pancreatic Cancer. Dr. Sarah Mansouri
CSSO-17 Adjuvant radiation therapy amongst immigrant and Canadian-born/long-term resident women with breast cancer. Dr. Ashley Eom.
CHS-04 Robotic Transabdominal Preperitoneal Grynfeltt Lumbar Hernia Repair with Mesh. Dr. Rachel Liu
ACS- 08 Delayed vs. Early Laparoscopic Appendectomy (DELAY) for Adult Patients with Acute Appendicitis: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Dr. Zuhaib M. Mir
Poster Winners per Sub-Specialty
• CAGS-47: The Association between Gender and Confidence in UBC General Surgery Residents. Dr. Elizabeth Clement
CAGS-48: Quality Improvement in Timeliness of EPA Completion in General Surgery Residency. Dr. Kara Nadeau
CAGS-46: Holographic Surgical Skills Training: Can We Use Holograms to Teach Hand Tying and Is It Comparable to In-person Learning? Dr. Ge Shi
• CSCRS-44: Rectal Cancer in the Very Young (Age <40) - More Treatment Worse Survival, A Population-Based Study. Dr. Vanessa Wiseman
CSCRS-51: Safety and Efficacy of Intravenous Antifibrinolytic Use in Colorectal Surgery: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Dr. Lily Park
• CON/CABPS-14: Duodenal-Jejunal Bypass Liners Are Superior to Optimal Medical Management in Ameliorating Metabolic Dysfunction: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Dr. Steffane McLennan
• CHPBA-15: Modulation by PCSK9 of the Immune Recognition of Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastasis. Dr. Yara Haddad
• CSSO-03 Exploring neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio as a predictor of postoperative breast cancer overall survival. Dr.
Alisha Jaffer
CATS-01 (Duranceau Prize): Changes in Sarcopenia Status Predict Survival among Patients with Resectable Esophageal Cancer. Dr. Uzair Jogiat
Abstract Submission & Presentation Information
The various paper, poster, and video presentations all contribute to the conference’s dynamic and interactive learning environment. This is your opportunity to share your research with other national and international surgical professionals!
2023 Abstract and Video Guidelines HERE
Disclosure Slide for Presentations (pdf)
All poster presenters are required to prepare a poster to be displayed as an e-poster and to provide a PDF version to be displayed on the CSF 2023 app. Abstracts as submitted will also be included on the conference app.
In addition, poster presenters are expected to present their poster during a moderated poster session (please refer to your poster acceptance email for your allocated date and time). Presenters will be allocated 5 minutes in total – 3 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes for discussion (Q&A).
Your e-poster will be displayed on the CSF 2023 conference app along with your abstract. As well, your e-poster will appear on the digital monitors located at the conference.
When preparing your e-poster ensure you follow these specifications:
An e-poster is the electronic version of a paper poster.
You may use PowerPoint to build your e-poster (save as PDF format), or any program that can be converted to PDF.
Your e-poster must be formatted as a PDF file, portrait (not landscape), single-page (letter or legal size).
Files containing more than one page will not be accepted.
Dimensions in pixels are 1080 width x 1536 height and in cm 38,1 width x 54,2 height.
The recommended font size is a minimum 16 point.
Sound and video are not supported.
Please ensure that you include any conflicts-of-interest and/or that you verbally present your declaration to the audience at the start of your presentation onsite.
You will upload your e-poster onto the same platform used to submit your abstract. You will not be required to sign in, simply click on the link below and follow the instructions to upload your e-poster.
The file size should not exceed 40 MB
Name your PDF file using your last name and ID #
CLICK HERE to upload your file. In the menu bar, please click I am the Submitter and select Presentation Upload
THE DEADLINE TO SUBMIT YOUR E-POSTER is September 8 at 17:00 Pacific Time – E-posters will not be accepted after this date.
E-posters will be posted as received. You will NOT have the ability to change or edit your e-poster once submitted or onsite.
Further details including the location of the poster presentation will be sent in August. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact the Canadian Surgery Forum by email at csf@cags-accg.ca.
Please be reminded, as per the policies in the Call for Abstracts, by making your submission, the presenting author has agreed to register for the conference, pay their registration fee and related expenses, and participate as scheduled.
To register for the CSF 2023 – CLICK HERE
To complete a Conflict of Interest – CLICK HERE
All paper presenters are required to prepare a PowerPoint presentation and to bring a final version to the CSF on a USB stick. Your abstract as submitted will also be included on the conference app.
Paper presenters are expected to present their abstract during a moderated paper session (please refer to your paper acceptance email for your allocated date and time). Paper presentations will be allocated 10 minutes in total – 7 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for discussion (Q&A). This time to present may vary, please refer to your notification letter.
When preparing your PowerPoint ensure you follow these specifications:
All PowerPoint presentations must be formatted for Microsoft Windows PowerPoint sized to 16:9 wide screen ratio.
Ensure that your presentation includes a conflict-of-interest disclosure and that you verbally present your declaration to the audience at the start of your presentation. You may use the CSF 2023 template if you wish.
In order to comply with Royal College Accreditation National Standards, please ensure that you have included references and secured permissions to use copyrighted content and images in your presentation.
Please note that you may not use your own laptop when presenting at CSF, and that your presenter notes will not be visible during your presentation. It is recommended that you bring a copy of your notes if needed.
When preparing slides – remember to:
Use a common font, such as Arial, Calibri, Verdana.
Select an appropriate size font for text (minimum font size of 20 points), your text should be large enough to be easily readable.
Use high quality images/pictures or graphs.
Italics are more difficult to read.
Use bullets and avoid paragraphs and text overload.
Use bold when you want some words to stand out.
Select your background carefully – light text on a semi-dark background or dark text on a light background.
Please be reminded, as per the policies in the Call for Abstracts, by making your submission, the presenting author has agreed to register for the conference, pay their registration fee and related expenses, and participate as scheduled.
To register for the CSF 2023 – CLICK HERE
To complete a Conflict of Interest – CLICK HERE
Further details including the location of the paper presentation will be sent in August. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact the Canadian Surgery Forum by email at csf@cags-accg.ca.
Canadian Journal of Surgery
All accepted CSF abstracts are published annually in the Canadian Journal of Surgery; the CSF 2022 and 2021 submissions are available now.
View the 2022 Canadian Surgery Forum abstracts in the Canadian Journal of Surgery.
View the 2021 Canadian Surgery Forum abstracts in the Canadian Journal of Surgery.​
​Thank you to everyone for their submissions and presentations
Learn more about the review and fast track publications in the Canadian Journal of Surgery for CSF manuscripts